Leader in me 7 habits printable
Leader in me 7 habits printable

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Is a leader and positive role model for students.Is sensitive to the thoughts and opinions of others.Transitions easily between classroom activities and is not a distraction to others.Consistently makes good choices during the school day.Tackles new challenges with a positive attitude.An enthusiastic learner who enjoys school.Works well in groups, planning and carrying out activities.Listens well and shares ideas frequently.Consistently cooperates with the teacher and other students.Report cards reflect you as a teacher and should be treated with the same consideration you show your students in the classroom.ġ00 Report Card Comments Participation/Behavior/Attitude Positive Always proofread your reports before sending them.(I recommend taking notes on students’ progress throughout the semester and using this documentation during report card time.) This is also a great time to include helpful strategies/ resources and offer advice on how parents can support their student at home. Be tactful in your comments and back up your observations with specific examples. Being honest about students’ progress takes careful consideration.Even if you think the parent won’t or isn’t interested, it is a good idea to provide documented options for your school files. Provide simple strategies that parents can implement that will give them a tangible tool to help their child at home.

#Leader in me 7 habits printable how to

Highlight important areas for improvement and provide practical advice/examples of how to work on this at home.It could be in a field of study such as reading comprehension, fluency, math facts, handwriting, asking important questions or a personal attribute such as persevering, helping others, leadership in the classroom, etc. Find an area he or she has improved on and mention it. Every student has areas of growth throughout the school year.This approach can help parents receive any negative feedback with the understanding that you “see” their child and are approaching his or her learning with a “growth mindset” and not criticism. Always begin with a positive comment and end with a positive comment.

#Leader in me 7 habits printable pdf

Download a free PDF of 100 Report Card Comments here! 5 Strategies for Simplifying Report Cards 1.

leader in me 7 habits printable

Here are a few tips to help you provide honest and valuable feedback while being encouraging and professional, including 100 sample report card comments that you can use today. The most important concept to remember when writing report card comments is to frame each statement in encouraging and positive language.

leader in me 7 habits printable

Report card comments should be personalized for each student and provide meaningful feedback to help parents understand their child’s progress. Despite this, report cards are an important tool that schools employ to show parents how their child is progressing in school and should be completed with careful consideration. This time always seems to be packed to the max with additional testing days and long to-do lists. I don’t know any teacher who looks forward to doing report cards.

Leader in me 7 habits printable